Help Us Succeed
We can serve Pembroke in many ways - not merely taking but giving back and doing our part to contribute to a flourishing town. In addition to many community organizations, there are also opportunities to serve at the local government level. Many of these don’t require running for office but are appointed by the Select Board. Among the vacancies are:
Commission on Disabilities (two vacancies) three year term
Recreation Commission (one vacancy) three year term
Recycling Committee (one vacancy) three year term
Registrar, Board of (one vacancy) three year term
Town Landing Committee (one vacancy) three year term
Wage & Personnel Board (three vacancies) three year term
Zoning Board of Appeals (two vacancies) three year term
Vacancies can cause boards to have difficulty in reaching a quorum, affecting their ability to conduct the business of the town.
Election Volunteers
Election volunteers have an essential task in the welfare of Pembroke, helping Town residents pay attention. A lot of things can go wrong in town government, and have, when very busy households struggle to pay bills, commute to jobs, educate children, keep up their homes, invest in their religious institutions, and a hundred other things besides, and have little time left for Town governance. The most basic thing we do is vote for those who keep watch over our affairs.
We need volunteers to help Pembroke households recognize issues, assess their meaning, and vote in keeping with our historic American and Town ideals. This involves literature drops, mailings, phone calls, and other means of contact.
Pembroke is part of the 6th Plymouth District, which includes Precincts 2 and 3 of Hanson, Precincts 1,2,4,5 of Pembroke, all Precincts of Duxbury, Precinct 1 of Marshfield, and Precinct 2 of Halifax. Our State Representative is progressive Josh Cutler, the first Democrat to fill the seat on Beacon Hill since the Civil War. PR seeks to return to the pattern that has served us well over the last 150+ years.
At the State Senate level, Pembroke is in the Plymouth Barnstable District, which also includes Kingston, Plymouth, Bourne, Falmouth, and Sandwich. The State Senator is leftist Susan Moran, a Democrat in her first term. Previous to her was long term conservative legislator Vinny DeMacedo, who served almost eight terms, as both Representative and Senator. Pembroke has a long history of conservative governance at the State level.
It is increasingly difficult to find local news resources. The Voice is an emailed newsletter that covers the politics of the town of the 6th District. Don Bryant of Pembroke and Annette Benenato of Hanson are editors. An online website is being planned where people can find all editions and regular updates to town news that intersects politics. You can subscribe by emailing here.
The Pembroke Town website is here.
Town Bylaws are here.
The Massachusetts Municipal Association has published the Handbook for Massachusetts Selectmen. This is a 264 page ‘nuts and bolts’ guide to the responsibilities, laws, and resources for Select Board members. Any active resident will find this a “go to” resource for local town government.
General Information on Massachusetts Town data.
MassWatch is the Pioneer Institute’s free resource for promoting citizen engagement in state and local government. Public access to public information. Without that, maintaining a healthy democracy is impossible. In fact, the Massachusetts State Constitution requires that legislators “at all times” be accountable to the public and that the people have the right to “instruct” their legislators. This suite of free websites below allows the public to access vast amounts of information on state and local governments.
The Massachusetts Voting Process
Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance - this site allows you to track donations to all candidates, as well as the spending and income of all candidates. Click on "Reports" for this specific option.
Massachusetts Report Card - Improving Our Schools
Get to know Pembroke
Pembroke is part of the 6th Plymouth District, which includes Precincts 2 and 3 of Hanson, Precincts 1,2,4,5 of Pembroke, all Precincts of Duxbury, Precinct 1 of Marshfield, and Precinct 2 of Halifax. Our State Representative is progressive Josh Cutler, the first Democrat to fill the seat on Beacon Hill since the Civil War. PR seeks to return to the pattern that has served us well over the last 150+ years.
At the State Senate level, Pembroke is in the Plymouth Barnstable District, which also includes Kingston, Plymouth, Bourne, Falmouth, and Sandwich. The State Senator is leftist Susan Moran, a Democrat in her first term. Previous to her was long term conservative legislator Vinny DeMacedo, who served almost eight terms, as both Representative and Senator. Pembroke has a long history of conservative governance at the State level.
It is increasingly difficult to find local news resources. The Voice is an emailed newsletter that covers the politics of the town of the 6th District. Don Bryant of Pembroke and Annette Benenato of Hanson are editors. An online website is being planned where people can find all editions and regular updates to town news that intersects politics. You can subscribe by emailing here.
Be a Force for Good
Our work is never done, and we can use all the help we can get. One of the ways you can take part is by Volunteering. Spread the word about all that Pembroke Rising is doing, and help us gain the support we need.